A Quick Look at Some Of The Main Aspects Of Physics


A Quick Look at Some Of The Main Aspects Of Physics

Physics is an important branch of science dealing with the subject matter of how the universe and various elements of nature behave. It mainly studies objects ranging from atoms to stars with various theories on formation, structure, composition, behavior and ultimate properties. The most common model in Physics is mechanics or classical mechanics which postulates that the reality is completely governed by an unchanging, unalterable and uniform motion which cannot be altered by any outside forces. Classical mechanics postulates that there is nothing which can cause an effect which does not already exist at the time the effect takes place. It also postulates that the only thing we can do is to observe the effects and take its result as it is without doing anything ourselves.

Modern physics has a number of branches which are experimentally supported and include the following: The philosophy of science which postulates that science can only be learned from observation, that is by using available instruments and methods and then trying to test them. The second law of thermodynamics which states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant and is neither changed nor increased. The third law of relativity which states that the speed of light is the same everywhere. The study of space and time which includes the science of relativity and its special theories such as special relativity, general relativity and quantum mechanics, as well as the application of Einstein’s theories of relativity namely the unified field theory and the theory of relativity.

The study of physics is divided into two main branches which are condensed mechanics and condensed energy. Concerning the former, it is a field of pure mechanics while concerning the latter it is a branch of condensed physics with special concepts such as electromagnetic radiation, super gravity, vacuum and the Planck’s Constant. Another branch of physics is the field of condensed physics which deals with very high temperatures and has a great number of sub branches. Another branch of modern physics is solid-state physics which is concerned with electronic devices. The other branches are classical physics which studies the structures and activities of large elementary solvers and their effects on the constituents of matter, general physics which studies the properties of various processes and physical phenomena, and the nuclear physics branch which studies the nuclear activities and atoms of elements. All these branches of physics have a common theme of being highly complex and requiring great care when handling the complexities.

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